Welcome back to summer at YTM! We are so excited to kick off our season with a classic Chilean ‘Sunset’ party on Wednesday, June 15th.
Of course, here in the Yukon in June, sunset is only a rumor, so we’re calling it a (No) Sunset event! We’ll be featuring a live looping act from Vicente, a talk examining the role of the Alaska Highway in 2022 from YTM Museumist Janna Swales, and a DJ set from DJ Eli Blablabla. Come listen to some tunes, grab a drink and check out our new exhibits.
This is a fully licensed event, but is certainly open to our younger audiences as well. Doors open at 6.
Don’t miss this most excellent intro to the museum’s summer season — tickets are $15 and can be purchased in our online gift shop, in person at the museum or by calling 668-4792. A limited amount of tickets will be available at the door. See you there!